When I was single I wore a plaid shawl, Now that I'm married I've nothing at all. Ah but still I love him, I'll forgive him, I'll go with him wherever he goes.
He came to our alley and whistled me out, A tail of the shirt from his trousers hung out. Ah but still I love him, I'll forgive him, I'll go with him wherever he goes.
He bought me a handkerchief, red, white and blue But before I could wear it he tore it in two. Ah but still I love him, I'll forgive him, I'll go with him wherever he goes.
He borrowed some money to buy me a ring, Then he and the jeweller went off on a fling. Ah but still I love him, I'll forgive him, I'll go with him wherever he goes.
There's bread in the oven and cheese on the shelf, So if you want anymore you can sing it yourself. Ah but still I love him, I'll forgive him, I'll go with him wherever he goes.