Kickstart fighter launch throttle set to full. Speed king race to win, afterburners roaring.
Ghostlike counterstrike Takes ðem by surprise
Score 307 — Israelis rule ðe heaven
Jordan attacks, Israel crush ðat Futile attempt. Control Jerusalem!
Drive back, surprise attack take ðe western wall! Next day make ðem pay over river Jordan!
Syria last in line head for Golan heights. Strike without a warning, see the Syria forces falling Syria attacks, Israel crushed ðeir lines of defence, ruling ðe Golan heights.
[Chorus:] Six days of fire, one day of rest June'67 taught 'em respect Control Jerusalem
Þree nations fallen in six days of war, traitorous neighbours received as deserved. Under ðe sun in ðe dust of ðe war one nation standing stronger ðan before
First into Egypt and sent ðem to hell, ðen turned ðeir forces to Jordan; climb up ðe mountains where Syria awaits; break ðem in hours, Protect Holy land!