Om Bhadram Karnebhih Shrunuyaama Devaah Bhadram Pashyemaakshabhiryajatraah Sthirairangaistushtuvaamsastanoobhih Vyashema Devahitam Yadaayuh Swasti Na Indro Vridhashravaah Swasti Nah Pooshaa Vishwavedaah Swasti Nastaarkshyo Arishtanemih Swasti No Brihaspatir Dadhaatu Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
The literal meaning of this mantra is: "OM. O Gods! Let us hear promising things from our ears. O respectful Gods! Let us see propitious things from our eyes, let our organs and body be stable, healthy and strong. Let us do what is pleasing to gods in the life span allotted to us. May Indra, inscribed in the scriptures do well to us, May Pushan who is knower of world do good to us and May Trakshya who devastates enemies do good to us! May Brihaspati do well to us! OM Peace, Peace, Peace".