Rod Stewart ٠ 1975 ٠ Atlantic Crossing ٠ Gavin Sutherland ٠ AGP
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I am sailing, I am sailing Home aga-ain 'cross the sea, I am sa-ailing stormy waters To be near you, to be free.
I am flying, I am flying Like a bi-ird 'cross the sky, I am fla-aying passing ha'aigh clouds To be where you, to be free.
{Can ya hear me, can you he-ee-ear me Thru' the da-ark night far away? I am da-aying forever crying To be wi-ith you, who can say.}
{Can ya hear me, can ya he-e-ee-ear me Thru' the da-ark night far away? I am da-aying forever crying To be wi-i-ith you, who can say.}
< Guitar solo >
We are {saili-ing, we are sa-aa-ailing Home aga-ain 'cross the sea, We are sailing stormy waters To be near you, to be free-e, Oh, Lord, to be near you, to be free-e-e... Oh, Lord, to be ne-e-ear you, to be free-e-e... Oh, Lord, to be n'ear you, to be free... Oh, Lord...} (to be free-ooh-uh-u-uh-)