Bonfires were burning along the shore, Rubies and pearls of hearts, Roads are broken in winter Contagion had drifted to us from her dress, The fellow of stars in the centuries-old dark.
Cyhret, your song, Cyhret, your will, Cyhret, enemies were having fun with our wives.
The night is howling with the winds on the shore, The moan of glaciers, din over water Beasts have hidden, birds starved to death, Contagion had drifted to us from her dress, The fellow of stars in the centuries-old dark.
Cyhret, your song, Cyhret, your will, Cyhret, enemies were having fun with our wives.
Перевод: Горели костры вдоль побережья, Рубины и жемчуг сердец, Разбиты зимою дороги, Зараза из платья ее приплыла, Спутница звёзд во тьме вековой,
Воет ветрами ночь на побережье, Стон ледников, гул над водой, Спрятались звери, умерли с голода птицы, Зараза из платья ее приплыла, Спутница звёзд во тьме вековой,