ah ba7ebak ya 7abiby / yes, I love you, darling alby 3andak es2alo / you have my heart, ask it danta bo3dak 3an 3oyouny / your awayness from my eyes mosta7eel at7ammelo / is impossible for me to endure
7abbeit hawak w ekhtart ansa el-kon ma3ak / I loved your love and chose to forget the world with you (2x)
agmal layaly 3omrena / the most beautiful nights of our life teshhad ya ghaly 3ala 7obena / are witness on our love, my precious ana alby dayeb fel-hawa / my heart is melted of love bas enta fein? / but where are you?
ya 7abiby, 3odly tany, 3ood / my love, come back to me, come back ya 7abiby, alby beek maw3ood / my heart is destined by you (2x)
enta khayef mel-layaly / are you afraid of the nights walla khayef mel-hawa / or you're afraid of the love? ad 3omry enta ghaly / you're as precious as my life nefsy tany nkoon sawa / I wish we could be together again
eidy fe eideik ne3eesh 7ayah gheer el-7ayah / put your hand in mine and let's live a different life (2x)
erga3 7ayaty donyety / return, my precious, to my world khaleek ma3aya fe re7lety / stay with me in my journey ma3a enn 7obbak gannety / since you're my heaven leih teb2a nar? / why did you become hell?
ya 7abiby, 3odly tany, 3ood / my love, come back to me, come back ya 7abiby, alby beek maw3ood / my heart is destined by you (2x)
weinah? weinah? delloony delloony / where's he? where's he?, guide me guide me (2x)
ya 7abiby, 3odly tany, 3ood / my love, come back to me, come back ya 7abiby, alby beek maw3ood / my heart is destined by you (2x)