In the land of impassable paths There was born the cursed tribe Led by determination they desired to dominate upon unexplored ways of life
They succeeded to reach the unreachable They succeeded to materialize What is invisible … invisible
Gaining power from cosmic rays They always conquered the time Driven by hallucinations they established laws They never needed a leader or guide Together as one, procreating breed sublime
Crimson skin pitch black eyes sharpened senses demise We are the cursed tribe We are the horde we are the legion we are perfection We are the cursed tribe
The emperors of all time undisputed kings of life Locusts of any kind Purest cruelty deadly swarm merciless kings of harm Locusts of any kind
Our fate is to be the first In the chain reaction Our will is to make a space For irrepressible nation
Now we cut off your tongues and crush your ears Rape your empathy feed on your tears There shall be no restrictions there won’t be limits We destroy morality and bring infinity