*Mensaxeiros do Pasado Hai unha luz na escuridade que resplandece o noso redor, son vellos amigos que veñen a nos lembrar os nosos segredos dos dias antigos, cantan pra espertar as nosas lembranzas dos dias da maxia e a irmandade, os misterios das herbas, das pedras e das árbores, pra nos xuntar e bailar ó son das nosas cancións. E asi camiñar xunto os vellos espiritos, con coroas de follas de carballo, e brebaxes de auga e mel fermentados, agardan o noso reencontro coas fadas de antigos nomes. E asi durmirei baixo as estrelas.
*Messengers of the Past There's a light in the darkness shining around us, it is old friends that come to remind us of our own secrets from ancient days, they sing to awaken our memories of the days of magic and sisterhood, the mysteries of herbs, stones and trees, to get together and dance to the sound of our songs. And like this we'll walk with the old spirits, with crowns of oak leaves, and fermented drinks of water and honey, they await our gathering with the fairies of old names. And like this, i'll sleep under the stars.