You have two weeks' time to live, those damned doctors said But who will die when one's life is just at the beginning?
I had read a lot about black magic and I knew some of its worshippers I turned to them with my troubles and they had a solution for me
Black ceremonies after another, they prepared me for the day Finally I was wandering in the secret tides of my subconscious
I met the master of evil, Lucifer himself I signed the contract, seven years against my soul were his terms
He promised I'll never regret this deal, so he said Just sign and seven years more will be mine
I awoke in a hospital, cancer was gone I could live again but the contract was always in my mind Oh no, oh no
Just a nervous breakdown, you've read to many black magic books A couple of weeks rest and you'll be well again, so they said But was it just my imagination, the terrible nightmare of a dying person? But they couldn't explain what cured my illness Today is the day, seven years are passed What's that noise, who's there?
(Devil): Have you forgotten our contract? The time is up and we have come to fetch you Weren't those years worth living? I hope they were, 'cause now it's time to start worshipping your new master
Oh please, I don't want to come I didn't understand what I did when I signed Leave me alone, oh no please, I don't want to come
Please leave me alone, go away, go, oh please go away Where is my God, where is my God, my Creator, answer me
(Devil): Shut up, stop moaning, there is no other god or creator 'Cause I'm your creator, your god, I am all I am the universe, I am the eternity, I am everything
Isn't this a nightmare, why don't I wake up? I can't stand this anymore
(God): How dare you, evil alien, stand against me, stay in your underworld (Devil): We made a contract, he sold his soul to me, I have all the papers here (God:) You tempted him in a moment of weakness and lead him to darkness (Devil): I stress the legality of this document, this is a very clear case. You are making your contracts with people by promising them an eternal lie (Envoy of Death): Order in the court. The jury have heard all the cases and will now withdraw to reach their verdicts.