Sargatanas BLACK TREE OF DEATH (Music: Xenia, M.Cymball, words: N.L.Keller)
In the black organ the last note stuck, echo froze under the temple’s vault The great thundercloud’s fallen down to the city, The flock of birds has spread their wings with the scream of death. One night in my dream I saw a black tree standing in the silence of a dark forest And now I’m looking to find that tree somewhere And I’m going straight to the darkness. Save me…
The moon is coming up in the sky and the voices of the forest are dying away I’m going forward; I’m going to my end, But everything around try to stop me, Animals and birds are screaming: “Go away!”, tree's branches are catching my clothes Spirits are rising and askin'me to return' But I don’t mean and I’m going in articulo mortis. Save me...
I've been crawling a very long time, my feet are lacerated with blood I’m going without stooping to chose the way I had given up hope of finding my Tree. A lucid Person is going towards me;”Quo vadis?”- He’s asking. “I'm searching for my death”. And I’ve come to this Tree to hang myself. Save me…