… Spirit of the winter take my holy blood angels of the show accept my saycrifice
Sacrifice of my destiny sacrifice of my holy blood blood sacrifice of my time sacrifice of my holy dream
Thanks to gods of the northern side for another space, for another time
My time is just a dream inside of earth my blood, my soul somewhere in space
I wait for message from my empty dreams in the crest of the northern wave oh gods, oh angels, oh spirit of my time tell me where is my space… wake me!!!
My time is just a dream Like sky full of stars in unused time in unused space
Now I am standing, now I am waiting in the crest of the northern wave in the crest of my dream I wait for the answer I wait for the message message from nowhere message from far away
Poem: And storm is like black albatross like dark curse like evil dream And my mind like northern waves and my soul somewhere in space
Butterfly of the northern sun hovers in the purple sky wings like a velvet curtain stitched with golden threads
It carries my time It dominates my space dreaming my dreams dreaming my time
But still I am standing still I am waiting in the crest of the northern wave in the crest of my dream I wait for the answer I wait for the message message from nowhere message from far away…