I can’t understand why I place my faith in those who’d rather die than think or contemplate About questions that might challenge their deepest held convictions or obstruct them from buying records and watching television If punk is nothing more than mindless materialism I’m fucking done I’ve had it I won’t remain complacent
Veritistic Value Distributive injustice manifest as law enforcement Protect and serve the interests of the state Despite duty of ethical constraints Never trust the fucking cops Presumption of equivalence risks misguided obedience Laws derive from politics and not our ethics
Setting the Straw Man Ablaze Tradition of oppressive nihilistic means of expressing privilege Intention irrelevant to how words affect What you mean and what you convey are distinct and ought not be conflated Surrender sophomoric claim that words are mentally contingent Complain and cry how the scene is “pc” and criticize those who condemn hateful speech Defend a doctrine of absurdity by pretending it’s still 1980 Your language reflects your recklessness Words qualify as a form of violence so don’t expect others to be as patient