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Sustukça sözlerimi dinletemedim. Hayatta bir tek sana hükmedemedim. Nasıl bir kalbin var ki anlamıyorsun
Kimin aşkını kimden yasaklıyorsun?
Çıkartacaksın beni içinden Yanarsa yansın, kopsun yerinden Gittin vefasız, bittim sanıyorsun Kimin yüreğinden kimi kovuyorsun?
ENGLİSH Cikartacaksin Love consists of break ups, consists of tears Come on, escape from heart when there is still time Suppose everything you lived is a lie Hold on, if your effort(energy) lets you
A childish emotion A childish taste I dallied(lost time) , despite the faith Suppose, the heart had been tired as it willed. Hold on, if your effort(energy) lets you
I couldn't make my words to be listened to,as I kept siletn I couldn't dominate you only in this life what kind of a heart you have, you don't understan whose love are you hiding, from who?
You will take me out from your inside(soul or heart) Doesn't matter if it burns, let it break away You left, you disloyal; you think I am done who are you defeating from whose heart?