Aynada bakıp yüzüme, kendime isyan ederim Bu akşam hüzünlerime, seni de katar giderim
Neden se herşey yalan, bu aşk sende kalan Neden se her gönülde vicdan aradım, vicdan Kurtulup gider gibi bütün çilelerimden Tut hadi tut bırakma, çocuksu yüreğimden
İsmi lazım değil, beni o zalim yaktı İsmi lazım değil, o bir vefasız çıktı İsmi lazım değil, döküldü gözyaşımdan Yerden yere vurdu bu yüreği, hesabını soracağım
No Need To Mention His / Her Name
I look at my face in the mirror and I rebel, I add you to my saddness tonight and I leave, I don't know why but, everything u left to me in this love is a lie, I don't know why but I've always looked for conscience in every heart I've happened to love (in everyone's heart that i've loved) Just like gettin rid of all my sufferings, Come on, hold my childish heart and don't leave it
No need to mention his/her name, that cruel person devastated me, No need to mention his/her name, i found out that he/she is unfaithful, No need to mention his/her name, he/she fell down from my tears, He / she devastated my heart, so i will bring him/her to account ( I will take the revenge of this oneday)