I can't help it, if all the world is ending All the life is gone while you're calling out this name Where are the Americans?
Your dimmed conscience, your hands and eyes that wander Stumbling down the road Or collapsing on parade
Or lying alone in the eastern light Sleeping in the morning hours, the only sound From the lantern covered hills, the only light From the day yet to begin, the only sign Of the guns in silhouette The only sound, the only light
Only, only!
Our dull silence, our disconnected lives Pull out the lightning dust At the mention of his name Whither the Americans!
Shake the memories off, hide the evidence under Piss on the world below Like a dog that knows its name Where are the Americans?
All calling on their own tonight Filling the remaining hours The only sounds are the bells upon the hill, the only light Are the lanterns in the wind, the only sight Skims the rust off the rails The only sound, the only light
Only, only!
The only light is the day yet to begin The only sign of the lives in silhouette The only sound is the rushing of the wind The only light is not the only life