At the Photographer’s Phillip: I want a photograph of myself and my -wife. Photographer: Please fill in this form, sir. Would you prefer a full front photograph or a profile? Phillip: A full front, don't you think, Phillippa? Phillippa: Yes. A full front photograph. Photographer: Please sit on this sofa. Is it comfortable, Mrs. Puffin? Phillippa: Yes. It feels fine. Photographer: Mr Puffin, please give a friendly laugh. Phillip: That's difficult. If you say something funny 1 can laugh. Photographer: And, Mrs Puffin, please look soft and beautiful. Phillip: (laughs) Phillippa: Is it finished? Photographer: Yes. Phillip: Will the photograph be ready for the first of February? Photographer: Yes. Please phone my office after five days, Mr Puffin.