This suffering One cant explain Waiting for the world To run out of days Waiting for the sands to consume The peaks to which you all cling It is a fucking pile of shit
You all surf through Entrails of selfishness and immortal despair Flushing through your veins As you believe Is royal blood Makes me wanna tear the crown Out with your head
This world is a waste pile A Fucking disgrace Is the mankind I will commit suicide filled With hopes That each of you fucking Tries this at home For your own pride Means nothing
Violence and hatred Is what leads your filthy way of life When it burns out You are left alone With this darkness To be eaten alive In a field of caskets Filled with bodies of those that you once loved
Severed heads pile up As i tighten the rope My fucking body grows colder With every moment
Death is the only Fucking reason You live for in this cursed place I confess im taking the easiest path One step away from the solid ground Wont get you fooled