Story of my life Booted from the ball Told to go away Tumbled off a wall That's the story of my life
You're late rabbit That's the story of my life Have fun you guys That's the story of my life
And remember if we find you back in the kingdom You will be executed
I always dreamed I'd get a happy ending And this right here, not how it goes I always dreamed I'd get an ever after If this is it, it blows, it blows, it blows
This is worse than that case Of Dutch elm disease I caught in Tijuana
Story of my life All the wasted prayers All the broken dreams All the broken chairs
All the damage done All the busted beds All the shattered falls And the pourage on our heads
That's the story of my life, yes, sir That's the story of my life That's the story of my life, crap Read more at