Divide and conquer! Follow the voice of lust for power walking on the corpses’ field Сontinuing the history of tragedies that leaves follow the guilt. We leave behind only ashes...only ashes of ruined lives!
And at the hearts of monuments We cherish memories of past losses. By the whispers of ages Ask don't repeat our mistakes.
Ashes to Ashes! Horror of this picture is fading over time again.
And we'll find a reason to stand under another flag And we'll find a reason to cover our guilt by name of other god
And we'll find a reason to deciding fate of the world. And we’ll feed the earth by blood and tears again, until it drown.
And we will live forever only at the hearts of monuments
War will never end until the world turns to ruins
And at the hearts of monuments We cherish memories of past losses. By the whispers of ages Ask don't repeat our mistakes.