Izginjajo barve izginja nebo iz teme pristaja nekdo v srebrnih oblekah ob spremstvu luči prinašajo vest da te več ni
Na listu papirja je njeno slovo štempl venus in notri adijo kam je šel moj ponos moj trud moj pogum kaj je razlog da izgineš stran od tu
Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta a ti na veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja (pa ne znam)
Ostaja njen vonj in v okvirju obris raztrgane pesmi in zvok v prazni puščavi še čakam na njih strah ostaja vem da jih več ne bo
V pesek zdaj rišem besede za njo in upam v odsev na venero vse bi dal da bi izvedel zakaj in kako vse bi dal da pokažem kaj lahko
Vem jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta a ti na veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja
In spet je večer spet je nad mano planet izgubljam vso svojo moč postajam slep prisluhi prividi vse se podira vse se krivi a ne smem pa vem da lahko in vem da lahko
Jaz sem bil platina a hotela si kič jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič jaz sem bil kralj vsega a ti na veneri jaz kralj vsega a ti si na veneri
Saj bil sem že platina a hotela si kič jaz sem bil angel a zate hudič jaz sem bil kralj celotnega sveta a ti na veneri si doma pa ne znam priti tja ____________
The colors are fading, the sky is fading, someone lands from the dark, dressed all in silver, surrounded by lights, they bring me the news, that you've gone away. On a piece of paper is her farewell, A stamp reading "Venus" and "goodbye" inside, where has my pride gone to, my efforts my courage, what is the reason for you to have gone away from here.
Chorus: I know, I was platinum, but you wanted kitsch, I was an angel, but a devil for you, I was the king of all the world, but on Venus is your home and I cannot get there (and I cannot)
All that remains is her smell, her outline in a frame, torn-up poems and sounds, in an empty waste I'm still waiting for them, the fear remains and I know that they're never coming back. Now I draw words for her in the sand, And I'm hoping for a reflection to Venus I'd give all just to know why and how, I'd give all just to show that I can.
Evening comes again, the Planet's above me again, all my power is fading, I'm going blind, sounds, visions, all is collapsing, all is becoming distorted, but I can't, still I know that I can, and I know that I can.