there was a summer of my childhood that burned so pure it turned to ash i woke every morning and i'd walk to daily mass our rosaries clicked softly as we hailed our mother from the streets our voices sad archaic and incomplete remember all those times frank we spent sitting on your porch our exacto knife carving kits the commitment that we forged the crucifix we made with a crown of thorns and everything small cuts that were made if you'd fade and drift away but those scars on our hands our living wounds of christ such a small price to pay i remember when it occurred to me that i had no faith at all we were sitting on your porch one night watching all the stars your eyes turned clear and wet like poetry as you whispered in the cold you said steve can you feel that that is god's love and it is beautiful he loves you so much and the tears came to your eyes and no frank i didn't cry because i didn't feel anything at all but we prayed hail holy queen mother of mercy our life our sweetness and our hope to thee we do cry poor banished children of eve we do cry sending up our sighs mourning and weeping in this, this valley of tears hail mary mother of mercy our life our sweetness and our hope to thee we do cry poor banished children of eve we do cry sending our sighs mourning and weeping in this, this valley of tears hail mary full of lies