Look to find what is right or wrong Tried so hard now just letting go I can only reach so far Until it all falls apart Save me now, I'm sinking deep Me my own worst enemy And all of thoughts inside keep burning and burning And as I stand on the edge Falling heal over head No turning back now No turning back now
Once I’m gone there is no coming back Would it matter anyway It just still feels the same Once I'm gone there is no coming back Defenseless now with my guard down Won't you take me away
Scared to stay but yet I'm scared to go Fight just to fight no reason why I'm Putting myself through this Had it all, let it slip away Giving up on destiny If only I kept on pursuing that life long dream Stand on the edge my reality Fading away to this safe place Released emotions that have turned to peace
Hoping to see these imprints of me That I leave behind but please don't cry I guess selfishness has consumed my life To give it up with no regret in mind Once I'm gone there is no coming back Would it matter anyway…anyway