I wrote this song in 2011, but actually I had the idea for a long time. I wanted to find a new way for Silver Ash and myself, and I think "Pretty but evil" is a good one. I never afraid about change or I can say, I love to evolve by myself. Hope you guys like it." lyrics You are pretty but evil you are evil and special 用你美丽的双眸 甜蜜的温柔 进入我心中 (Trans: your beautiful eyes and sweet moves fill up my heart )
You are pretty but evil you're a falling angel 你在我的耳边 轻柔呼吸声 我就会失控 (Trans: when your breath touched my ear I lost control)
You are pretty but evil you are evil but simple 你要我的全部 我也不愿保留 在陷入时候 (Trans: I wanted to give you everything when I lost myself in you )
I'm falling in love I'm falling in love you are the best love I've never had Let's fall in love
Let's fall in love you said you'll fall in love but I don't really know all you love to do is breaking hearts
You are pretty but evil you are evil and special 你用邪恶的双眸 苦涩的温柔 会让我心痛 (Trans: your evil eyes and distant face breaks my heart )
You are pretty but evil you are evil but simple 你拿走我全部 我已无法保留 我早已经陷入 (Trans: you took every and I could hold them I lost in you )
I'm falling in love I'm falling in love you are the best love I've never had Let's fall in love
Let's fall in love you said you'll fall love but I don't really know all you love to do just breaks my heart
Let's fall in love you said you'll fall in love but I don't really know all you love to do is breaking hearts
Let's fall in love you said you'll fall in love but I don't really know all you love to do just breaks my heart
You are pretty but evil you are evil and special 你用邪恶的双眸 苦涩的温柔 会让我心痛 (Trans: your evil eyes and distant face breaks my heart)