Another black man looses his life on the street A young punk goes down by knife in the east The worst of vermin are on the rise A little kid is beaten down outside her home Onlookers don’t help, she takes the beating alone They look away and ignore her cries
We’ve got an enemy to beat We’ve got to meet them in the street There’s a time to fight and that time has come
We’re coming for you, naziscum!
while another easy victim it left to die The authorities, turn the blind eye
Reports are filed and nothing is done ‘cause these are the killers they themselves create Ugly symptoms of the racist state Like the father, so the son And now they’re marching under the black flag Stolen to replace a swastika filth rag It seems they are too stupid to understand That it represents the opposite of their ideology The antifascist black flag of anarchy is not for their filthy hands