Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated (Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead 2006) /Technical Brutal Death Metal/ [New York, USA]
Skinless - Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated (Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead 2006) /Techical Brutal Death Metal/ [New York, USA]
Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated
Corpse carried to the guardhouse The more things change the more they stay the same To coexist is to destroy yourself Godless factions, heathens, wage war arise Deviation won't be tolerated! Eternally perpetuated myth has gone beyond the core of grief And leaves behind a path to how it must feel To be the creator in the times before creation Before their suffering could stir its troubled sleep The loneliness once faced pales to the shame of mankind's dawning The final act of penitence Deviation won't be tolerated! Malignant delusions of the soul The only way to protect you from yourself Obey the fabrication or face imaginary punishment A new age will arise from the blood and the ignorance The final wishes of humanity are systematically ignored Your heaven never existed at all Deviation won't be tolerated! Malignant delusions of the soul The only way to protect you from yourself Obey the fabrication or face imaginary punishment A new age will arise from the blood and the ignorance How it must feel to be reborn And follow black market peddlers of vice as messiah.