Blankly I stare, peering down into the endless dark On the threshold of reality, descending into hell Obscurity envelops all which once was clear Distant groveling figures wail Their screams filling my ears No God Why What has Become Of my life?
Searching within for any semblance of light I find that there is none Nothing but misery at my side
But there is a voice in this grave, calling to me Whispering temptation, words of abhorrent sin
“Die Become my living sacrifice Do you know not who I am? I am he who placed the stars in the sky Who subsequently tore them all down Transgressor, your pain will be profound”
“Feast upon your flesh, your blood, your bone Feast upon the entrails which once made you whole”
Hollow I have become Free of my carnal binds Nothing within, where only darkness resides
Hollow I have become Free of my carnal binds Nothing within, where only darkness resides