KAREN: You said, "I wanted a shark with laser beams, and what I got was a manatee with a mag-lite." ADAM: The poor manatee. KAREN: Why? It's just a mag-lite, he probably doesn't even feel it. ADAM: He can use it as a weapon as well. He can hit something with it... KAREN: A manatee would never hit anybody. ADAM: Out of self-defense, maybe? They've got some weight behind them, those manatees. They're slow, they can creep up on you. KAREN: They creep up on you— ADAM: and then they kiss you with their bristles. KAREN: —and just snuggle you, I know. They're snuggly. ADAM: Well, they can fight crime with kindness and cuddles... KAREN: Oh, I like that. ADAM: ...and then hit you over the head with a mag-lite.