01. Bomb The Bass - Beat Dis 02. Mr. K. (T.D. Records) - Rock The House (Part 2) 03. Depth Charge - Depth Charge (Drum Death) 04. Depth Charge - Depth Charge (Bass It) 05. Renegade Soundwave - The Phantom 06. Free Force - M.I.R.C.O. (The Day After Mix) 07. Direct - Techno Gone Mad 08. Techno Grooves - I'm Not So Selfish 09. House Of Crazy Sound - No Groove (Light Mix) 10. Return Of The Living Acid - Move Dammit 11. Midi Rain - Eyes (Bizarre Inc. Mix) 12. N-Joi – Mindflux 13. DJ DD Hass & X10 CIV - Hi Tech Muuusic 14. Kicks Like A Mule ft. Longsy D - Number One (Rockers Mix) 15. The Emphasis - Reginald Hardcore 16. Signs Of Chaos – Crackerjack 17. Formula 7 - It's Just Not Ragga (Mad B's Remix) 18. Skanna - Night Stalker, EP - A1 19. DJ Illeagle – Testify 20. Formula 7 - Funky Techno