Guinevere, oh Guinevere. How hath I been blessed with such a fine and fair woman such as yourself? Oh, William! But, how will we ever marry? Our families despise each other! Forget our families Guinevere! We'll run away together! I will take you to the end of the earth if it means we could stay together... I would die for you Guinevere. Oh, William! I love you! And I love you, too my dear Guineve- Wa-My! What is that strange apparition in the skyi? I've never seen anything like it! It, it looks like... Wh-What is it doing?!(Laser sounds)OH MY GOD! WILLIAM! WHY ARTH THOU LEAVING MEI’? EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF! AHHHHHHHH! MY F**KING FACE! MY F**KING FACE IS MELTING OFF! OH NO WILLIAM! WILLIAM! SOMEONE HELP! HELP!!