I don the dark sin parts of you You don the dark sin parts of me We win, win, win
’Til something like a quilt or cruise All patch of me and swatch of you We wrap up sweet
Sow a sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, sow a sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, so a sparrow tree
W.C. Woodser dress and galosh green and trim your topiary Birds and topiary bees Jewels bring you jars of shells and bring a volume of your pet ghost’s poetry Don’t you try to hide it from me
Sow sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, sow a sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, sow a sparrow tree
Martha, my dear, and Fancis My bliss and my favorite frost will wear our long wise white beards And when the draw of one, two, three, four Is this the wise we’ll ride on one white back? The speed of a quail
Then we’ll stand up, right, each one on each white side of a whale wish bone And tug of war I’ll wait on braided marrow
Sow a sparrow tree
Sow sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, sow a sparrow tree Love with crying birds for fruit Oh, sow a sparrow tree
Rebecca, they sent us twin red headed boys So let’s dress them all their days in turquoise