The world is my will and I will a cigar A coronas corona creation of sound Cedar matchsticks light the best Cuban brand Hiroshima hides in this fat Havana A motion picture to rewind and master The director died in a Nietzschean crash Franco-American power première CK II Chanel no. 6 Compact disc cinema constructed for passion propaganda Across the wide screen Proprietors of Red prepare the cigar The black car slid through the dust on its aluminum belly The snake granted them the power from an unexpected eagle C&K clad the continents in haute culture The clothes are worn out it's time to undress A scene in fast motion The New Timelessness Some Tom Cruise crosses the landing ground His last cigarette before changing history The pilot climbs into the Priapus cockpit Uncle Unkind's got something to deliver A ready-made rainfall of still going drops Compact disk cinema constructed for passion propaganda Across the wide screen Propietors of Red prepare the Big Boy Let's inhale the Big Bang Some billion years in one single breath
If you want to be to Omniopolis what God was to Sodoma