- You killed the wolf. - Well, there's no crime in that, is there? - The wolf was Bela. - You think I don't know the difference between a wolf and a man? - Bela became a wolf and you killed him. A werewolf can be killed only with a silver bullet or a silver knife. Or a stick with a silver handle. - You're insane. I tell you, I killed a wolf. A plain, ordinary wolf! - Take this charm. The pentagram - the sign of the wolf. It can break the evil spell. - Evil spell, pentagram, wolfbane! I'm sick of the whole thing. I'm getting out of here! - Whoever is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself.
Welcome to this world... Transformation supreme I am sleepless from the power in my veins
My past is gone... Incantation serene Entering the threshold of a pure disease
These Midnight Dreams Stolen from god Just to make you believe In these Midnight Dreams
No longer pain Damnation in me My body fits the guise of infamy Cleanse myself within Discard this bitter skin
you here at my side Look into these lupine eyes It can't be so far away Nothing can keep me chained
Nothing left to hide Alienation complete What I am is all I'll ever need
The time is short Humans are weak Breaking down the doors inside of me