zahit bizi tan eyleme ZAHİT* DON'T DEFAME US hak ismin okur dilimiz OUR TONGUE READS THE NAME OF THE GOD sakın efsane söyleme NEVER TELL TALES hazrete** varır yolumuz OUR WAY REACHES TO PEACE
sayılmayız parmak ile WE CANNOT BE COUNTED BY FINGERS (means our number is so many that we cannot be counted) tükenmeyiz kırmak ile WE CANNOT BE EXHAUSTED BY BEING OFFENDED taşramızdan sormak ile BY ASKING ABOUT US FROM OUTSIDE kimse bilmez ahvalimiz. NOBODY KNOWS OUR CIRCUMSTANCE.
erenlerin çoktur yolu, THE WAY OF THE SAINTS ARE SO MANY cümlesine dedik beli. WE SAID TO ALL ...* gören bizi sanır deli, THE ONE WHO SEES US THINKS WE ARE CRAZY usludan yeğdir delimiz. OUR CRAZY IS BETTER THAN WISE Quite difficult translation
MUHYİ sana ola himmet, MUHYİ** the FAVOR IS TO YOU (I guess this means \"god, favor belongs to you) aşık ise cana minnet. AND THE LOVER IS GRATEFUL TO LIFE cümle alemlere rahmet, MERCY TO THE WHOLE UNIVERSE saçar şu yoksul elimiz. SCATTERS OUR POOR HAND
*someone who shuns the world and its pleasures to devote himself to worship and pious works. **This word is also used to refer God or for important religious figures. So the meaning can also be \"OUR WAY REACHES TO GOD\" ***I didn't understand what \"beli\" means here. ****MUHYİ is one of the names of God in Islam.