Our economy is growing like 1999 The crime rate came down for the first time (Is he singing?) For the first time (I think he’s singing?) For the first time.
I worked the morning biscuit line at Hardees. That’s why you elected the Republican Party. The Republican Party. The Republican Party.
HEY! (Get it) (Get it) LIKE 1999. (Get it) (Get it) HEY! LIKE 1999. (Hey!) It has been and still is a hard time. (Hey!) Tonight we get it like 1999.
We picked ourselves up. Dusted ourselves off. I will not let this Congress turn back the clock. (Turn back the clock) Turn back the clock.
I have no more campaigns because I won both. My agenda is the same since the day I swore oath. Since the day I swore oath. Since the day I swore oath.
(Get it) (Get it) LIKE 1999. (Get it) (Get it) HEY! LIKE 1999. It has been and still is a hard time. (Hey!) Tonight we get it like it’s 1999.
There’s nothing our nation, and our people, can’t accomplish. You’ll see a lot of serious work in this new Congress.
I hope you’ll at least work with me; when you do agree 15 years in this new century
Our economy is growing like 1999 The crime rate came down for the first time For the first time For the first time.
HEY! (Get it) (Get it) LIKE 1999. (Get it) (Get it) HEY! LIKE 1999. HEY! It has been and still is a hard time. (Hey!) Tonight we get it like it’s 1999.
Really what the president was trying to get across tonight was there’s a lot of good news out there people.
Oh, there was nothing new here tonight it was just the same four chords I hear on K92 everyday.
What should Republicans in your estimation be doing?
I have a constitution here in the book of second leviti-ficians [Super Mario 3] it says no trombones in the state of the union and I also think that EEEEEEE-YOO!!!
HEY! (Get it) (Get it) LIKE 1999. (Get it) (Get it) HEY! LIKE 1999. HEY! It has been and still is a hard time. (Hey!) Tonight we get it like it’s 1999.