See the decline stitched in the seams of (their) designs Seek the signs & redesign them with mind gems Re-align with hemmed patterns in tapestries Lavishly inked, masterfully printed synaptically imprinted in your grey matter They rain acid upon you but a forcefield protects you Wield your swords & shields celestial Don’t yield to the telestial realm’s undertakers Blunders & capers, cast them asunder in gaping Chasms under the Earth’s crust From birth to dust we were cursed to rust Because of their thirst for lust But we were blessed as well with divine gusts of wind Let them swell your mind Instead of lustful sins This society is the antithesis of piety The banters & speeches of miserly & cancerous leaders Believe in the answers inside you instead They provide you with bread But they feed you with rants full of lies & dread, recant these idols that spread Their sickness with Bibles & lead It’s a dreadful business Watch for patrons with blotched faces & auras, their case is deplorable They’re basically horrible demons & monsters They’re not human beings They’re subconsciously putrid & evil Do not let them corrupt you Don’t let them trick you into Destruction with wicked mentals They greatest lie ever told Is that Evil doesn’t exist But you side with their souls If you heed them & listen Demons in depictions Are nothing like their appearance You could be cussing at your mirror For all you know Satan & Lucifer used to live in God’s abode Basically the truth is there’s a cosmic code That regulates the whole of existence Every layer of life is of global assistance Angels & demons, noble & wretched It’s strange but like seasons they totally switch From one Yuga to another Truthfully we’re all brothers & sistersSome are just lost and utterly distant From their redeeming features Unseemly creatures The sum of the costs for their weakness Is unbearable to them Harrowing truly So they choose to avoid it They choose the Void Over Light & sober Life Totally blighted They roam in the Night Neverendingly & become non-beings With enmity for the Sun & all beings Under it, they plunder beauty & innocence Youth & the citizens of Truth We have to counter them But the task is mountainous How could we fathom their countenance If we haven’t accounted them? That’s why we need dark angels & strange ones, to hearken to Their anger, not to blame them Walk with them & tame them Like Buddhist & Hindu divinities With mental affinities That’ve been through infinity The Good & the Evil, The Light & Darkness The Yin & the Yang, The sins of the damned & the fights to conquer them Knock on wood for the sequel We shouldn’t be deceitful Practice what you preach, Compassion & forgiveness The atlas would be bleak If we cast all the wicked Into eternal flames, Murdered & maimed them That’s the burden of angels We serve as strangers That’s the burden of angels