Please tell me why I want to dissapoint you so much? Showing my vices I could catch your look- Only like that i’m satisfied...
I know in reality you spit On my next in turn suit. ‘Oh,maybe can we stay only friends?’ Difficult task..even I’ve not believed- I’m your unique queen I’m your destiny...
It’s different levels,you said And my attempts do not act. But for the sake of first, Our first autumn You should suppress your disgust to me.
Please tell me why I want to dissapoint you so much? I hate your indifferent eyes, You love of rules.. How i don’t notice this- I have dissgust to you...
It’s different levels,you said And my attempts do not act. But for the sake of first, Our first autumn You should suppress your disgust to me.
It’s’re not here! It’s’re not here...unreal for me. It’s’re not here! It’s fraud... I’d envented those senses and Your nervous system, My instincts had proved Your princess! I have envented Your nervous system, My instincts had proved Your princess! I have...envented. You should suppress your disgust to me. envented. You should suppress your disgust to me