Out of My System (Rose) The song is about the feeling you get when you are coming to the end of a relationship. It’s sad but in the case of this song it has something a bit more sinister about it. For me I think it’s about plucking up the courage to end a relationship. I felt very stuck when this was written which I think is reflected in the tone of the vocals. The melodies feel a bit like chants, they roll with the bass line. The voice stays pretty centered and low and doesn’t veer off. The harmonies at the end to me act like the two voices in my head that were battling against one another…should I stay or should I go. (Dean) This feels like an extension from The Art Of Pop era of recording, it has that Drive thing, soaked in melancholy, bleak yet not miserable, The track came together very quickly and has a memorable solo chainsaw break in the middle. This is Rose and I at our bleak pop best.