The weight of the World Is crushing down Everything to the core.
Despotically it protects From straying into the void Despotically it commands For omnipresent strength.
I have fallen From the weight of the world And I am being pulled down Towards the center of being.
It is as if Matter Wants to hold itself together In vain, against the cold estrangement Of continuous expansion.
I rise to claim my Identity Against the grind of amorphous clay Pushing the soil down Destroying the Rock with my fists To see the Light of Day
Born to the world of Wonder Of endless promise and finite, abrupt reality With dreams directed towards the Higher dimensions Inbetween deceptive phenomena and elusive noumena
The navel of Motherly love must be cut To escape the inevitable demise From the blazing hands of the Father
Without wanton belief and asuredness The path to the gateway of cosmos Is a small ray, deep throughout the inmensurable darkness.