Without hesitation I drink the smooth, clear stream water. I receive the familiar smelling evening wind on the scruff of my neck and laugh.
The manner of the hare running away, the shape of the bright lilies and bamboo grass, the constellation blinking in the night sky, all reflect naturally in my eyes.
The illusion I believed would surely arrive. Smeared with words, a negative image of the town persists. Goodbye, goodbye to you outside the window. I must say goodbye.
Waking up at the song of the first cock crow, I see the far away mountain and yawn. It makes me miss the snow-capped peaks; a droplet of the heart goes sliding downwards.
You washing mud from the root vegetables, our child playing on the porch, and the soft lazy sunlight are part of the cycle of the soul that never ends.
Stuffing the nonsense from that day in a silver box, I say goodbye, goodbye. The negative image of the town persists. Goodbye, goodbye. I hope I will meet you again someday