READY: "We are unending." "Your efforts are futile." "I am beyond death." "I return."
SELECTED: "What is it this time?" "Speak." "Yes?" "Your queen listens." "Mengsk will suffer." "It is time." "Retribution will be mine."
PISSED: "You're trying my patience." "The Swarm is the instrument of my will." "I have evolved beyond the Queen of Blades." "I always did look better in purple!" "Revenge? I'm positively aglow about it!" "I think I'll wing it from here!" "You should get to know my primal side!" (shriek) "Did your heart just skip a beat?" "You might want to get that checked!"
MOVE: "I am The Swarm." "Our conquest continues." "We adapt." "This world is mine." "Make your peace." "Boldly." "The Swarm conquers all." "We are without limit." "No time like the present."
ATTACK: "Death awaits you." "We consume all." "You're in my way." "Slay them all." "You force my hand." "Feel the wrath of the Swarm." "No mercy." "I sense your fear."
HELP: "Your queen is under attack!" "The Swarm has met the enemy."
DEATH: "I will not be defeated!" "I delay the inevitable!" "Meaningless..."