Young man came from hunting faint and weary, “What does ail my love, my dearie?” “O Mother dear, let my bed be made, For I feel the gripe of the woody nightshade.”
Chorus (after each verse): Lie low, sweet Randall. Come all you young men that do eat full well, And them that sups right merry: 'Tis far better, I entreat, to eat toads for your meat Than to eat of the wild, wild berry. This young man, well, he died fair soon By the light of the hunters' moon. 'Twas not by bolt, nor yet by blade But the leaves and the berries of the woody nightshade.
This lord's false love, well, they hanged her high, For 'twas by her deeds that her lord should die. Within her locks they entwined a braid Of the leaves and the berries of the woody nightshade.