1 primal scream (uk) "goodbye johnny" CD "more light" (ignition) 2 heida arnadottir (iceland) "sofi, sofi barmid" CD "ro" (radical duke) 3 zatory (czech rep.) "jirchar" CD "zatory" (poli5) 4 dj olive (usa) "turn the table" CD "thwis" (the agriculture) 5 the vincent black shadow (canada) "child of orion" CD "copendium" (faber&faber) 6 sand (germany) "helicopter" CD "copendium" (faber&faber) 7 sacri cuori (italy) "quatro passi" CD "rosario" (decor) 8 seckou keita (senegal) "hino" CD "miro" (astar) 9 james levy & the blood red rose (usa) "keep my baby" CD "pray to be free" (heavenly) 10 the asphodells (uk) "late flowering lust" CD "ruled by passion, destroyed by lust" (rotters golf club) 11 skazka (germany/russia) "nikifor" CD "kalamburage" (eastblok) 12 the okmoniks (usa) "what i want" CD "party fever!!!" (slovenly) 13 dzeltenie pastnieki (latvia/ussr) "noguris un nelaimigs" CD "naktis" (i.b.) 14 roshi featuring pars radio (uk/iran) "we don't talk well" CD "3 almonds and a walnut" (geo) 15 gintas k (lithuania) "niekovv" CD "slow" (baskaru)