Why do you have to look up to her? Aside from in a literal sense. Dont'cha know that a power that big Comes with a bigger expense? And can't you see that she's out of control And overzealous? I'm telling you for your own good, And not because I'm-- I could show you how to be strong... In the real way. And I know that we can be strong In the real way. And I want to inspire you I want to be your rock And when I talk It lights a fire in you
steven universe - how to be strong in the real way (0)
The L-Train - A Symphonic Metal Tribute To Steven Universe (0)
Steven Universe - I Want to Inspire You (Pearl's Song) (0)
(Steven Universe) - Strong In The Real Way (0)
Steven Universe - I Want to Inspire You (Pearl,steven Song) (0)
How To Be Strong In The Real Way - Steven ... loooovee this --- From S1E20, "Coach Steven." I do not own this content.
Steven Universe - 'Strong In the Real Way' Song ... Steven Universe - 'Strong In the Real Way' Song ..... It suggests that what Pearl wants in ...
Steven Universe Soundtrack - Strong in the Real ... Official, high-quality (1080p) version of "Strong in the Real Way" from "Coach Steven ...
"Strong in the real way" - Steven Universe (HD ... Lyrics: Why do you have to look up to her? Aside from in a literal sense. Dont'cha know that a ...
Steven Universe (Song) Strong, in the real way ... Something I made, it was a fun side project I did on my own :) Lyrics: Why do you have to look up ...