ссылка на источник (там же есть и перевод) - http://forum.adgth.ru/texts/text.php?id=4
SASHA: If you had what it takes, you would be quite the gentle-hound, a more sentimental hound, less of a flake. You'd be my hero, instead of a zero. If you had what it takes.
ITCHY: Come on, Sasha, what do you want, anyway?
SASHA: I want the perfect dog, he'd never make me wait.
SASHA AND CHARLIE: The Perfect dog.
CHARLIE: It's more fun to irritate.
SASHA: The perfect dog, would shower me with flowers.
SASHA AND CHARLIE: The Perfect dog.
CHARLIE: You'd be sniffiling for hours!
SASHA: So very Sophisticated...
CHARLIE: Thats' over-rated.
SASHA: Someone who'd risk his hide...
CHARLIE: Who'd take you for a ride?
SASHA: He'd make me feel so proud.
CHARLIE: Stop walking on a cloud!
SASHA: To have him by my side!
ITCHY: Gee, It's getting awful hot in here, ain't it?
SASHA: The Perfect dog, I long to see. The Perfect dog, the dog for me! The perfect dog... YOU'LL NEVER BE THE PERFECT DOG!
CHARLIE: Uh, I hate to deflate you, or invalidate you, but this high-in-the-sky guy will just nauseate you. Life would be boring, you'd spend all day snoring, is that what you want?!
ITCHY: You know, Sasha, if you ask me, I think Charlie's got a point. Don't you think so? I think so.
SASHA AND CHARLIE: The Perfect dog.
CHARLIE: He's only in your dreams.
SASHA: I've had it with your schemes. I want the perfect dog.
CHARLIE: There is no such creature.
ITCHY: The only perfect dog is in an animated feature!
SASHA: Tender and kind...
CHARLIE: They say love is blind!
SASHA: Your out of your leash!
CHARLIE: Your out of your mind!
SASHA AND CHARLIE: The perfect dog!
SASHA: I only want...
CHARLIE: You'll never find...
SASHA AND CHARLIE: The perfect dog!
ITCHY: Come on and kiss!