A wall of denial Is fallin' down Wo it's fallin' so hard Down to the ground Never knew something so strong Could be washed away by tears But this wall of denial Was just built on fear
We've all had our demons From the garden of white lies Dressed them amused them Pullin' wool over our eyes Go so far as to love them To keep from letting them go All the while they we're killin' us But we couldn't let it show
No matter what the trouble We carry round inside We're never safe from the truth But in the truth we can survive When this wall of denial Comes tumblin' down Down to the ground
Simple things in life Bring the greatest pleasure A smile, a kiss A little baby's laughter It makes no difference If we run away in fear The little things in life hold us so near
No matter what the trouble We carry round inside Never safe from the truth But in the truth we can survive When this wall of denial Comes tumblin' down Yeah this wall of denial Must tumble down Down to the ground