Tell mel, who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's the ridin, John the Revelator Who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Well, God walked down in the cool of the day And he called adam by his name He refused to answer 'cause he was naked and ashamed
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's there ridin, John the Revelator Who's there ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Well, christ had twelve apostles And three he led away Said "walk with me one hour 'til I go on and pray".
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Christ came down easter mornin Mary and martha came to see Said, go tell my disciples Meet me down in Galilee;
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator, Who's the ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Well, God walked down in the cool of the day And he called adam by his name He refused to answer 'cause he was naked and ashamed
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Who's that ridin, John the Revelator Wrote the book of the seven seal
Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Tell me who's that ridin, John the Revelator Иоанн Богослов Посади его в лифт. Отправь его на самую высокую высоту. Отправь его на вершину, Докуда даже горы не достают. Дай ему прочесть свою книгу лжи.
Иоанн Богослов. Он — ловкий делец. Пришло время поставить его на место, Схватить его за руку И поставить за трибуну — Послушаем его оправдания.
Предъявляя претензии Богу, Как свое святейшее право, Он ворует Бога У израильтян. Ворует Бога И у мусульман тоже. Есть только один Бог. Во всех отношениях...
Семь обманов, помноженных на семь, Помноженных еще раз на семь. Семь ангелов с семью трубами Отправили их туда, откуда они пришли, утренним поездом.
Ну, и кто это кричит? Иоанн Богослов. Все, что он нам дает, — это боль. Ну, и кто это кричит? Иоанн Богослов. Ему следует склонить голову от стыда.