Welcome to Stuff You Should Know from HowStuffWorks.com.
Josh Clark
Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh Clark, a staff writer here at HowStuffWorks.com. And with me, is my fellow staff writer, the extraordinary Charles Bryant. How you doing, Chuck?
Chuck Bryant
How you doing, Josh?
Josh Clark
How are you?
Chuck Bryant
I'm great.
Josh Clark
You okay over there?
Chuck Bryant
Yeah, I'm just waking up. Sorry.
Josh Clark
Fantastic. When you woke up this morning, did you brush your teeth?
Chuck Bryant
I did. And you know what? Just to prep myself for this, I drank some orange juice immediately after I brushed my teeth.
Josh Clark
Chuck Bryant
Which I think we all know is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.
Josh Clark
And you did this on purpose, just to prep?
Chuck Bryant
I did. I'm a method podcaster, Josh, and I thought it the role required it.
Josh Clark
I salute the dedication to your craft.
Chuck Bryant
I appreciate that.
Josh Clark
Actually, that's funny that you should do that. Well it's not that funny if you're preparing for it because that means you read this article, "Why does orange juice taste bad after you brush your teeth?" So since you read it, I guess we can have a pretty intelligent conversation about it, right?
Chuck Bryant
Well, we'll try.
Josh Clark
Let's see what you got on flavor.
Chuck Bryant
Flavor, I've got a little bit on flavor. Flavor is divided into five different categories, four of which you've probably heard of. You've got sweet. You have salty. You have bitter. You have sour and then you have umami.
Josh Clark
Umami, meaty taste.
Chuck Bryant
Yeah, meaty taste. I don't know why they didn't just call it meaty, actually.
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Josh Clark
I don't know either. I think umami is just as nice because everyone wants to know what the heck umami is anyway. You get to say them both.
Chuck Bryant
Yeah, that's true, right.
Josh Clark
If you just said meaty, nobody would say what's meaty.
Chuck Bryant
Josh Clark
And you'd say umami.
Chuck Bryant
Right, it's an icebreaker.
Josh Clark
Yeah, exactly.
Chuck Bryant
A Japanese icebreaker.
Josh Clark
Chuck Bryant
So anyway, sorry I got sidetracked. Flavor is all these different five things and they react with each other to create different flavors with flavor combinations. And you get flavor and temperature and consistent and smell and texture together, and you have what we know about taste.