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Subliminal - Lifamim Ani Margish | Текст песни

Lif'amim ani margish yoter midai
mar'gish she'ani margish bli dai
lo matzli'ach la'atzor et rigshotai elaich
rak rotzeh lehargish et mag'a s'fataich

Lif'amim ani margish yoter midai
mar'gish she'ani margish bli dai
lo matzli'ach la'atzor et rigshotai elaich
rak rotzeh otach krovah, otach krovah elai

Ani ohev otach kol kach, aval zeh lo holech
zeh chevel dak shekol echad betzad acher moshech
ani yode'a at ohevet venim'as lach lechakot
lemah at mak'rivah et hadma'ot,
lo sholet baregashot
hakol mit'roken
margish t'adofek barakot sheli bifnim ko'ev
ani mezi'a klum lo margi'a af'chad lo megi'a
bocheh lo yode'a mi ani
mah karah lebenadam im hakavod
eich nafalti shuv she'rak hitz'lachti la'amod
ani atzuv veko'es ani ko'es alaich
she'at ko'eset al atzmech bim'kom lich'os alai
zocher et hasfataim shelach ro'adot
ha'einaim mitmal'ot dma'ot she'at mitametzet lo liv'kot
choshev, kach ani mach'zir lach todah
she'at tamid hayit elai kol kach tovah.

Lif'amim ani...

Lakachnu mashehu kol kach tov
hafachnu oto lekol kach meluch'lach
heshkati zman be'lo lihyot itach
ve'achshav ani mitga'age'a lekol davar
la'einaim lachiyuch lareiach shelach batzavar
layadaim shelach mechab'kot oti och'zot oti chazak
ani rak choshev al zeh venich'nak
mal'ach sheli katan, eich le'azazel k'shehebat'ti
ba'einaim hat'mimot shelach ra'iti satan.
Meruk'nak lo medaber mit'male beza'am
maleh merivah mipa'am
lachaverut hazot kvar ein ta'am
halevai vehayah li ko'ach lach'dor lach el hamo'ach
lig'nov lach mehazikaron et kol hash'karim
et kol hatze'akot, et kol hadakot hatovot shebiz'baznu
al merivot
et kol hakin'ah, et kol hasin'ah.
Male rig'shot ashmah adain mitbonen bat'munah shelah.

Lif'amim ani...

Kol davar chonek kol davar kim'at morid dim'ah
kol davar otzer t'aneshimah.
Hamadaf shelach hareik hasakit im hab'gadim
hamivreshet shinaim od etzli gam hab'samim
hachaverim kvar lo yihyu oto davar bil'adeinu
vekol shir pit'om nishma she'hu aleinu
chamesh shanim t'mimut ein klum she'lo asinu yachad
at lo mesugelet lihyot levad at betach ro'edet mipachad
va'ani kol kach rotzeh lihyot sham bishvilech
rotzeh lit'moch velehagen alaich velish'mor al k'vodech
Hilah, halev sheli nikra mit'rachek veholech
lo ma'amin she'lo tihi yoter, kore lach bishmech,
ba'avir mitchakech, rak tavo'i elai
rak titni li od sikui ani yored al birkai
ani yode'a shesichakti bach mis'chak meluch'lach
at lo yecholah lig'mor et zeh kach.

Sometimes I feel too much
I feel that I'm don't feel enough
I can't manage to stop my feelings towards you
I just want to feel the touch of your lips

Sometimes I feel too much
I feel that I'm don't feel enough
I can't manage to stop my feelings towards you
I just want you near, you near me

I love you so much, but it doesn't work
it's a thin rope that each one pulls on from the other end
I know you love me but you're sick of waiting
what do you bring your tears close for,
I don't control my emotions
everything becomes empty
I feel the beat in my in me knees it hurts inside
I sweat, nothing calms me, nobody comes
I cry I don't know who I am
what happened to man with honour
how did I fall again just as I managed to stand
I am sad and mad I am mad at you
that you are mad at yourself instead of me
I remember your lips shaking
your eyes filling with tears as you tried not to cry
I think, this is how I return thanks to you
as you are always so good to me.

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