Mienai jikan no meiro Arazaru mo samazama no mirai Jikan wo imi-suru kotoba ni Nazo no nazotoku "Bara no Sono"
A labyrinth of invisible time Several nonexistent futures The "Rose Garden" solves the riddle In the words that bring meaning to time
Muchi mata ha boukyaku-se yo to Kuujakukyou no imi ga sasayaku Muimi na fushi ni nogareru na Shinjitsu nonde chie ni yoe
Bring oblivion again to ignorance! So the meaning of the Nirvanic echo whispers Escape not to meaningless immortality Drink the truth, be drunk on wisdom
Don ki dijii dandan Don ki dijii dandan
Don ki dijii dandan Don ki dijii dandan
Jikan ha itsumo tomatteru Chouzen ereba banbutsu no Kagi naru kotoba wo shiru to iu Aminome jikan ha tomatte iru
Time is always at a standstill If you attain transcendance, then you will know The locked-away words to all things, it's said Net-mesh time is at a standstill
Muchi mata ha boukyaku-se yo to Kuujakukyou no toki ga sasayaku Tsumetai sabaku no amadare ni mo Koukotsukan ni mi wo sarase
Bring oblivion again to ignorance! So the time of the Nirvanic echo whispers Even in cold desert raindrops May you expose your body to the feeling of ecstasy
Don ki dijii dandan Don ki dijii dandan
Don ki dijii dandan Don ki dijii dandan
Shounyuudou ni hibikiwataru Obitadashii sono onkyou ga Sekai no ban'yuu seimei shigen Nazo, himitsu, meikyuu kigen
Those innumerable echoes That resound in a limestone cavern Are the origin of all life in the world Riddles, secrets, the rise of the maze
Muchi mata ha boukyaku-se yo to Kuujakukyou no mizu ga sasayaku Shougai seinaru muchitsujo ha Dentou, iden wo honomekasu
Bring oblivion again to ignorance! So the water of the Nirvanic echo whispers The holy chaos of one's lifetime Implies tradition, heredity
Don ki dijii dandan Suiteki sunawachi ban'yuu shigen Don ki dijii dandan Suiteki sunawachi ban'yuu shigen Don ki dijii dandan Suiteki sunawachi ban'yuu shigen Don ki dijii dandan Suiteki sunawachi ban'yuu shigen