ари ари... ми вахецир.. ах инчу эс айскан еру им кянки ераз....
ari ari mi vaxecir sirtes okis du airecir ax in4ues aiskan eru iiiiim eeeeraz ARI ARI mi vaxecir sirtes okis du airecir ax in4ues aiskan eru iim kyaaankiii eraaz eeraz eeeeeeraaaaaaz .... 2.00 if i ever love again awwuuum make shue she's nare friend i've got chobos dera bintru aaaaaa foooor yooou if i ever love some more awuuuum make shue as shes de voo...are thinks der are arbrentry...babyyy aaa fooooor you go so far away don't turn around ank just log away couse are i need you and araaaa want youu don't feeeel no beliiiiieve nor ondara nedeeeddd...So na go so far awaaaaay don't forgive me,,please forget me...couse you las chanse in i laste friend is timaa goooothese is e aaaaaaaaand.....there is the and(3)